Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bass Fishing As A Boy

When I was growing up, I really enjoyed going fishing. For a few years, I lived out in the country and we had a pond that had great fishing in it. 


One day when I was in the fifth grade, I couldn't find my cousins but I wanted to go fishing. Off I went to the pond any way. I caught some minows and set off to go fishing.

I caught 7 bass that day. My mother cocked them up tha night and I bet they were the best tasting fish I ever had. haha

Often my cousins and I caught a lot of bream out of that pound. Sometimes when the fish just wouldn't bite, we'd strip off our clothes and jump in the pond and go swimming.

That was a good period of my life. I miss those days. I wish we had never moved away from that home out in the country. I was a regular Huckle Berry Fin. Really had great times living out there with my cousin David.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Beautiful Philippine Sunsets

When the sun sets in the evening or when it rises in the morning it is beautiful in many parts of the world. The Philippines however provides for many spectacular sunsets. Bantayan island may be the best place on earth to witness beautiful sunsets and sunrises.

I've visited Bantayan Island less than 10 times and the sunsets and sunrises there are often breath taking in those few visits. I can only conclude at this point that it is a regular occurrence as I have seen so many in a few visits. True, I've been there more than most Westerners. That is made possible because I live close. I can visit and return in the same day.


However, we also have many golden sunsets similiar to those in Bantayan in my small city in the Philippines. If you'd like to see some of those, please visit this link.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Medical Treatment in Cebu City

As an expat blogger living in the Philippines, I get a lot of questions about medical treatment in the Philippines.

This week I went to Cebu City to see my doctor and I wrote about my trip on my blog.

As usual, I took a bus to the city from my home that lies on the edge of jungle in Nothern Cebu province.


Bus trips are not as hard to make as they use to be as there are many buses with air conditioning now. They bus drivers also don't race each other up and down the high way any more. 

It is a scenic trip and if you want to make it more interesting, take a bus without air conditioning. There might even be a rooster or two on board.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dollar To Philippine Peso After The Downgrade

It has been almost two months since S and P downgraded the USA's credit rating and since the politicians tried to kill it with the debt disaster. Ironically, when S and P downgraded the dollar investors reacted by borrowing money from the US Government.


While I never would have predicted that then it served as a major learning opportunity for me. When the markets are confused as they were after the downgrade, investors turn to the dollar. Why do they do that because the dollar is stability. It is safe and is the backbone of the world economy.

The downgrade was a ploy for publicity and is unforgivable.

So what has the dollar done since then, well it has gone up. There are several reasons for that but it is in part because of the downgrade.  Read More.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ogtong Cave Resort Review

I've read many less than stellar reviews of Ogtong Cave Resort located on Bantayan Island. I don't get it. Ogtong Cave Resort is very nice. Perhaps it is a little over priced but not excecessively so. If you want a cheaper place on Bantayan, you can certainly find that. Ogtong is probably the most expensive of all the Bantayan Island resorts.

I found it to be a nice place to stay and wrote a full review of Ogtong Cave Resort here.


You can check out my pictures of Bantayan Island on Facebook too.

This is the third resort I've stayed at on Bantayan because I usually travel on a budget. For me that means Tristan's Beach Resort. Now I do think Tristan's has better food and their service comes with a warm personal touch. The owner of Tristan's is about to retire and she will be renting out her resort to some new managers. I hope they don't change it a lot. I hope the cook is staying!

Ogtong has a nice cave but that alone isn't really worth staying at the resort for. Where Ogtong excells are the rooms and the view. It captures the sererene atompshere of what Bantayan Island is all about.

Bantayan is a place for relaxation. During most of times of the year it is quite and there are not a lot of tourist. You will often have the beach to yourself or perhaps a few locals harvesting various things from the Visyayan Sea.


Dollar to Philippine Peso is Trading Over 43

Despite S and P attempt to kill the dollar it continues to show signs of strength. In fact, even the downgrade by S and P caused the value of the dollar to rise. What did investors do in this uncertainty? They borrowed from the US Government, the downgrade caused investors to retreat to safety and safe is the US Dollar!


I hear people proclaiming the demise of the dollar and the doom of the USA. These people are usually selling a book or program to help you make a million dollars from the prophized doom. I call these the profits of doom!

For about a week now the dollar has been trading above 43 to the Philippines peso. Is the end of the decline of the dollar over for a while? I'm beginning to hope that it is. I'm not willing to say that it is, just hope..

To read more about my thoughts on the dollar to Philippines peso visit this link.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Live In The Philippines And Take Awesome Pictures

I love living in the Philippines. The other day it hit me that one thing I like about it is that provides for a never ending backdrop for amazing pictures.

I recently bought a used DSLR and have been learning how to use it, slowely.

I've used a SLR before, I've had one since high school but for the last several years I've been using nothing but point and shoot cameras. I've forgotten so much.

I'm looking forward to getting back into it and have been getting reaquainting myself with the golden mean and the rule of thirds. Digital editing really makes it easy to apply thirds to photographs. I've seen dramatic results after a quick review.

My pictures are already looking much better.

Since I've been living in the Philippines I've taken over 10,000 pictures. I took over 1000 just last week!

I'm trying ot et out a bit more and from behind this computer. With 1000 pictures of Bantayan Island to process though I may never get out of the door again! :)

I will, maybe today. I need to make a trip to the public market. The public market provides many oppurtunties for awesome pictures!  I'm a little bit shy, which surprised most people. I have to get over that so I can get the best pictures out there.

I wrote a full story about the things I like to photograph in the Philippines. I'd really like to see you're pictures too. Tell me where they are so I can go see them. :)

Loving Filipina

Last week Jessie and I went to Bantayan Island with a friend. We had a great time. We went for four days but ended up staying five. We stayed at Ogtong Cave Resort for three nights and my old favorite Tristan's Bantayan Island Beach Resort the last night. i must say though, I really like Ogtong. Our friend wasn't as impressed with it as I was. I don't know why. The grounds are beautiful. But they do have too many rules.  Like no t-shirt in the pool. I'd cook without one. It is also far more expensive.  I'm thinking of trying Mia's Beach Resort next time. My friend probably wouldn't like it there as it is a bit out of town and he is always going someplace. Me, I'm happy just setting my feet up and watching the tide role in while sitting on the dock of the bay.  Wasting time is just fine with me.

Filipina are often the most loving women int he world. On my last trip, Jessie amazed me. She subjected herself to some discomfort in order to ease my own. When I realized what she was doing, I made her stop. But I was impressed.  And I'm use to be treated well by her.
They are not all wonderful but there really are some great women in the Philippines. If you'd like to read about what Jessie did to me and my views on Filipina in general see this story:  Filipina

Monday, September 5, 2011

Beach Resorts In Cebu Don't Have to Be Expensive

Yesterday I visited a small hidden away beach resort in Nothern Cebu. You won't find a lot of foreigners at this resort and that's one of the things I like about it.


It is a low cost place to visit. I took the family there for less then P750 or less than $10. It was just for a few hours and is close to our home so I didn't need to stay overnight. We took the common form or transportation to get there which is a trike.

It is a great place to spend the afternoon and the kids will love swiming there. There are usually lots of kids there on the weekends. There are usually a few pretty Filipina sprinked around for the bigger "kids" to enjoy and enhance the natural beauty of the beach resort.

If you'd like to read more about this tiny afternoon adventure and maybe visit yourself follow this link: Cebu Beach Resort.

One doesn't have to spend a lot of money to enjoy most of what the Philippines has to offer. Many times you can have a good time and see some beautiful sites for very little money at all.

Soon I'm headed to Ogtong Cave Resort on Bantayan Island. Now Ogtong is one of the nicest places on Bantayan Island. Sometimes it is nice to spend a ltitle extra money too. A balance in all things goes a long way.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Not Only Filipina but Many Foreigners are Scamming


So often we hear of how many of the Filipina are out to scam you.

We hear that from guys living in the Philippines, we hear it even more from the guys that pretend to live in the Philippines. :)  After they way some of the guys they meet have treated them, what do you expect? Many of them long ago lost faith in us too.

There are many men lying to and taking advantage of the people of the Philippines and other expats as well.

For more information on this idea, read liying expats living in the Phlippines.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Factors that Affect the Dollar To Philippine Peso Currency Exchange

With all the politics and debate going on in Washington, there is a lot of interest in the dollar's world wide exchange rates.

For expats, the value of the dollar is more important to our day to day lives.

Those of us living in the Philippines have seen a huge drop in the dollar's value over 


the last couple of years.


For some, this forces them to cut back on their day to day needs. For others it cuts back on our travel and fun.

There isn't much we can do about the pesos to dollars rate of exchnage but understanding the reasons can relieve some frustrations.

To read more about what factors effect the dollar to Philippine peso rate of exchange read this article.



Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Send Money To PI

How to get your money if you're living in the Philippines and how to send it to your loved one if you're living outside the Philippines

Friday, August 12, 2011

S&P Credit Rating Downgrade and American Expats

So far, the downgrade of the USA's credit rating seems to have caused the dollar to rise in value.

In the long term, the effect is still unknown.

If the stock market continues to plument, the Fed will likely start printing money again.

But printing money causes oil prices to rise which hurts growth. Growth is central to a caplitistic economy. Without growth, the economy will die.

To find out more visit Living in the Philippines.




Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Moving The The Philippines http://amplify.com/u/a151bn

Moving The The Philippines

A manual about how to live in the Philippines from an expat that is doing it.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cebu's Best Kept Secret

Beautiful Bantayan Island, I love visiting the peaceful beach resorts of Bantayan island.

I don't live far from there so it is not hard for me to get there. Less than two hours including the ferry ride over.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kopi Luwak -- The most expensive coffee in the world http://amplify.com/u/a12lts

Kopi Luwak -- The most expensive coffee in the world

You'll never believe where this coffee comes from. It can only be obtained from the droppings of a Civet.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Consider International Travel as Hobby http://amplify.com/u/a1125y

Consider International Travel as Hobby

You can spend time researching your next location while saving money for that next trip. :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Stay Out of Trouble In The Philippines http://amplify.com/u/bze84

Expat Book Living in The Philippines
To The Philippines Faster

The Girl Of Your Dreams

to The Philippines Now

Code Of The Philippines

Culture Shock

By The Author Of This Website

Stay Out of Trouble In The Philippines

If you're living in the Philippines, stay away from minors and stay out of trouble.

More evacuated amid Philippine volcano fears

More evacuated amid Philippine volcano fears

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Christmas In The Philippines

Living in the Philippines means a long but wonderful Christmas season.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Living In The Philippines http://amplify.com/u/byoir
Dollar to Philippine Peso http://amplify.com/u/byo95

Dollar to Philippine Peso

The dollar is quite low at the moment. An expat explains why.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Travel Blog

Various Places to travel around the world reviews

Monday, April 4, 2011

What? High Number of HIV Blood Donations http://amplify.com/u/bxkra

What? High Number of HIV Blood Donations

More than one in five units of blood test from donors was HIV positive?

Okay, either the test got fouled up or someone is purposely trying to infect people.

The Philippines doesn't usually get these kinds of nuts.

I'm guessing the rest of this story is yet to be exposed.

Cost of Living In The Philippines

Expats talks about the cost of living in the Philippines and some of the other reasons he likes living in the Philippines.

These Headphones Rock http://amplify.com/u/bxjx8

Sunday, April 3, 2011

No Bikini Shows On Bantayan This Year

Looks like the Governor got their attention two years ago.

She warned them before hand and they did it anyway.

No Bikini Shows On Bantayan This Year http://amplify.com/u/bxhzr

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Living In The Philippines -- Money http://amplify.com/u/bx7is

Living In The Philippines -- Money

If you or someone you know is living in the Philippines, this might be helpful for you.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Living In The Philippines

You can be jailed for being rude in the Philippines. It is called unjust vexation.

Living In The Philippines http://amplify.com/u/bvfen

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yen Surgesses to Record High vs USD? http://amplify.com/u/buwnc

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fed's single end of creating caseh http://amplify.com/u/buipi

Fed's single end of creating caseh

The sooner the better if you're an exap

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Radiation In The Philippines?

It is a hoax but stay informed. Things look bad in Japan and that reactor is on the brink of a meltdown. If that happens, the Philippines could be under some threat though I doubt it will be severe.

Radiation In The Philippines? http://amplify.com/u/budbs

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sennheiser PXC 450 http://amplify.com/u/bu2ep

Beats Studio HD Review

Review of Dr Dre's famous and stylish noise cancelling studio headset. Musicians seem to really love this one but a little weak in the noise cancelling department

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Who wants to live in the Philippines? I do. and I do live in the Philippines. Ask me if you have questions. http://amplify.com/u/bu43f

Sennheiser PXC 450 Review

Review of Sennheiser PXC 450 cool noise cancelling headphones.

The Cebu Experience on Facebook http://amplify.com/u/bu1fl

The Cebu Experience on Facebook

You can now follow all Rusty Ferguson's websites about the Philippines on Facebook. He also includes information on his Facebook fan page that you wont find on the websites.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami Warning For The Philippines http://amplify.com/u/btvll

Tsunami Warning For The Philippines

Parts of the Philippines are under a tsunami warning due to the strong earthquake that Japan suffered today. Hopefully, the people of the Philippines will be spared.

Life in The Philippines Video http://amplify.com/u/btsoa

Life in The Philippines Video

This video in this article shows people living in the Philippines going about their daily lives in the Philippines.

Shopping, Christmas in the park, Christmas decorations, and pretty Filipina.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Basic Expat Training Manual

Promote my eBook and earn cash for each sale you make. It is about what I've learned in the Philippines and helps show others how to make it happen.

It is easy to get started, sign up at Clickbank and grab your link. You can also click like while logged into Clickbank and you're affiliate code will appear on Facebook.

Basic Expat Training Manual http://amplify.com/u/btmgt

What Is Human Trafficking

Human trafficking in the Philippines is not just about slavery. It includes that but there are other ways to run afoul of this law.

What Is Human Trafficking http://amplify.com/u/btlp7

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Norwegian Arrest in Philippines in Error

I don't know that the police were wrong to make the arrest but I think he should have been released within days, not weeks.

Norwegian Arrest in Philippines in Error http://amplify.com/u/btfts

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Janitor Performs Medical Procedure

I really try to be positive about the Philippines but sometimes it is hard to find the positive. This story is one of those. Hopefully this will help the Philippines get this kind of thing under control. I hope it doesn't happen often.

Janitor Performs Medical Procedure http://amplify.com/u/bsxkj

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Philippines Probing Human Rights of Foreign Detaines http://amplify.com/u/brwef

Philippines Probing Human Rights of Foreign Detaines

Sky walk and roller coaster on top of a hotel in Cebu City. Looks like fun.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Expats Living In The Philippines That Know It All http://amplify.com/u/bsdpj

Expats Living In The Philippines That Know It All

Well I do know everything but that's different. haha :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Human Trafficking Prosecutions On The Rise In The Philippines http://amplify.com/u/brz1a

Human Trafficking Prosecutions On The Rise In The Philippines

Philippines is on the USA watch list for human trafficking and they want off

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Philippines Probing Human Rights of Foreign Detaines http://amplify.com/u/brwef

Philippines Probing Human Rights of Foreign Detaines

The Philippine Department of Justice probing treatment of foreigners held in prison here.

EDSA Revolution Day in The Philippines

A little history of on the ousting of Marcos in the Philippines

EDSA Revolution Day in The Philippines http://amplify.com/u/brweb

Nuns In The Philippines Barfine to Rescue

Its for a good cause. But the idea is funny.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fed Questions Plans to Create Money http://amplify.com/u/brnlb

Fed Questions Plans to Create Money

Yes, it is time to stop!

The debt is too high and inflation may rise more than expected.

I must admit, I have personal interest in seeing the dollar's value rising.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Foreigners Living In The Philippines Required to Register? http://amplify.com/u/br8bx

Foreigners Living In The Philippines Required to Register?

After murder of six year old, Cebu (Philippines) looks for way to protect children

The Bush Deficit http://amplify.com/u/br81w

Monday, February 21, 2011

Living in Bogo City http://amplify.com/u/br27h

Living in Bogo City

An article about Bogo City Philippines where I live.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Responsible Parenthood in The Philippines Dead? http://amplify.com/u/aqbc3

Responsible Parenthood in The Philippines Dead?

There has been a lot of incorrect reports on a birth control bill in the Philippines. I've been waiting for the Palace to clarify and they did today.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Do you want to live in the Philippines? http://amplify.com/u/aq23f

Do you want to live in the Philippines?

If you are considering living in the Philippines, stop by and tell me why. If you already live here, tell me what you like about it. It is Valentines day in the Philippines so I thought I'd talk about why I live in the Philippines which includes my wonderful girlfriend.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Living in the Philippines for 3 Years. My Choice to Live In The Philippines. http://amplify.com/u/aputb

Living in the Philippines for 3 Years. My Choice to Live In The Philippines.

A look back after living in the Philippines for three years. As I begin year number four, did I make the right choice?

Valentines Day In The Philippines 2011

Valentines day in the Philippines and a little about the culture of the Philippines.

Last year the Dept of Health gave out free condoms but this year they say "Just Say No." Yeah, like that's gonna happen.... :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Can You do about Poverty in The Philippines? http://amplify.com/u/bm3u6

What Can You do about Poverty in The Philippines?

One of two articles about poverty in the Philippines.

Children living in the garbage dumps.